- Convenience
Online classes allow you to take lessons from anywhere that you can bring your instrument to and access the internet. Login to take your class and then if you are inspired, continue practicing right away when you log off. In person classes do not afford that luxury as you must pack your belongings and travel for each lesson. You no longer need to consider transportation methods as you fit lessons into your schedule. Parent’s can also often do housework or work on their jobs nearby while the student is doing online classes, making time more efficient and productive.
- Access to e-learning tools and technology enhancements:
Online classes provide online support material and access to technology that is harder to reproduce in in-person classes. Camera angles and screen sharing often provides a helpful perspective for the students who are learning via video lessons. Fast access to screen sharing, annotation tools, as well as other learning apps, make the most of technology enhancements.
- A network of peers around the globe:
Physical classrooms give you access to a limited number of people that attend your class, whereas online classes break geographical barriers providing peers from different cities, countries, and cultures in your class. This can be a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with a broader range of people.
- Saves Your Cost and Time:
Online classes save money and time compared to in person lessons. With strong internet access and time spent to get an optimal setup from your home location, students can build in efficiencies that save money. No money is spent on traveling, and less time is spent on planning, not only for you, but for the people in your household whose schedules are impacted by your travel needs.
- A setup that is tailored to fit your needs:
Classrooms cannot accommodate required instrumental setups as easily as students can at home. Each student needs adjustments to the music stand, the seat, the instrument alignment, and sometimes even more specialized equipment, such as hearing devices for the hearing impared or special setups for other physical needs. When you control the location that you study from, you can set it up to perfectly match your own needs.
The hit of the pandemic has been a disruption in all our lives, but making the most of it is in our hands. A disruption only leads to innovation.
Stay tuned to learn more about music!
Keep Learning!