
Group Clarinet

Class Details

ONLINE COURSE — weekly meeting with instructor on zoom

Ages: 9 to 18 and adult.


Please select the deposit product for your class below. Each class requires a $100 deposit to enroll. This amount will be applied to the tuition. If the class does not meet the minimum enrollment, we will refund the deposit. If the class does fully enroll, we will apply the tuition to the installments and contact you to put a credit card on our files for automated collection of the remaining installments. If you prefer not to give a credit card for installments, you may pay the tuition in full. Limited financial aid is available for all classes. Please contact us and tell us how much of the monthly amount you can afford to pay and we will let you know if we can provide financial assistance. 

  • Tiny Class (3 students per class) = 4 monthly installments of $81 each ($27 per student per 30 mins).
  • Small Class (4-6 students per class) = 4 monthly installments of $58.50 each ($19.50 per student per 30 mins).

Intro/Level 1: 2/22 – 5/24. 12 sessions total. No class on March 29 or April 5.

  • Ages 7-9, Mondays 3:30 -4 pm
  • Ages 10-12, Mondays 4-4:30 pm
  • Ages 13-17, Mondays 4:30-5 pm
  • Adults, Mondays 5-5:30 pm

Instructor: Matt Morrish



This class is for students that have never played before. It will overview the instrument and give students an opportunity to learn the basics. From here, they can progress to higher levels of study.


This course is part of a series of ongoing classes offered continuously in consecutive sessions, semester after semester. The idea is to start in an introductory group and then proceed to ongoing group lessons. In this into level, group students will these skills:

  • Caring for and assembling the instrument
  • Forming the Embouchure
  • Producing the first tone
  • Practice guidance
  • Learning basic tunes


Get your start on a band instrument! Learn to play basic tunes on woodwinds and gain aptitude on your instrument so that you can learn to play in a band.



This class is for students that already have some clarinet experience. They know how to make a sound on the instrument, assemble it and care for it. They can play some basic notes and read a few tunes.


This course is second in a series of ongoing classes offered continuously in consecutive sessions, semester after semester. In this level, group students will work on these skills:

  • Breath control for improved tone
  • Counting with a metronome
  • Mastery of all the fingerings in the full range
  • Listening deeply
  • Learning fun tunes


Maintain and expand your aptitude on your instrument so that you can play in a band when that becomes possible again.  Meet weekly with a teacher and other students for camaraderie and support. Make music part of your everyday life!



This class is for students that can play proficiently over the break, can read basic music and are ready for more. These students can play scales and a few tunes.


This course is second in a series of ongoing classes offered continuously in consecutive sessions, semester after semester. In this level, group students will work on these skills:

  • Mastery of all the fingerings in the full range
  • Listening deeply
  • Learning fun tunes
  • Increasing proficiency in the full range of the instrument.


Maintain and expand your aptitude on your instrument so that you can play in a band when that becomes possible again.  Meet weekly with a teacher and other students for camaraderie and support. Make music part of your everyday life!


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get an instrument?

BUY: Woodwind and Brass
BUY LOCAL: Steve Deutsch Music
BORROW: Some public schools will allow you to check one out while you are enrolled.
RENT: Easy Band Rentals

What is the difference between a music stand and an instrument stand?

  • An instrument stand holds your instrument when you are not playing it. This is good to have in class to safely put your instrument down when needed.
  • A music stand holds your sheet music (paper book)


  • Students are expected to be punctual in/and attending all classes and performances.
  • There is a minimum practice requirement of 20 mins a day, 5 days a week.
  • Students need to adopt a growth mindset and follow the respectful online conduct.


  • Instrument (we also suggest buying an instrument stand to place the instrument on when not playing)
  • Reeds, 2.0 thickness or 1.5 thickness
  • Internet access (connecting your device directly to your ethernet will provide the most reliable connection for online study)
  • Metronome or metronome app. Tuner or tuner app.
  • 2 devices for each class: one to use as a camera for zoom, another to play backing tracks mid lesson.
  • Music Stand to hold printed copies of music.
  • Accent on Achievement Book 1 for clarinet for Level 1-2 classes. We suggest buying a paper and a digital copy (if an ebook is available) of the book as the digital copies have the audio tracks that accompany each piece. Level 3 materials will be announced once we assess the specific group of students that enroll.

Instructor, Matt Morrish

Matt Morrish spent much of the 1990s in New Orleans, where he played in Latin dance bands and studied jazz with the great Chicago tenor saxophonist Ed Peterson. Along the way, he befriended Cuban tres master Juan de Marcos, the organizer of the Buena Vista Social Club project and leader of the Afro-Cuban All Stars. He is currently playing with The English Beat.

“A lot of the music is inspired by pride in Oakland, by wanting to represent,” says Morrish, who lives with his wife and their daughter in Oakland’s Chinatown. “It’s a lot like New Orleans; there’s a real history where music is concerned, with Tower of Power and Sly Stone. You really feel it when you live around here. You can see people listening, wanting to hear something funky.”

Matt Morris, Instructor